Do you ever feel like you just can’t get caught up! I have laundry to be done, a 2 car garage that can only fit one car, a car that needs cleaning out, books and school supplies that need organizing and the list goes on. On the other side I have 3 kids who are healthy, a husband that I got to go on a date with this week, 3 kids that got to play in the water hose with friends, go to the pool and enjoy their summer. I guess if you put that all into perspective a little disorganiztion and piled up laundry really aren’t a big deal. As moms we put too much pressure on ourselves to have the perfect house, perfect kids, etc. and even though I know that is a trap – I still fall into frome time to time. Sometimes it just seems like there are not enough hours in the day. I am planning for this week to be a week to get caught up and ready to start school – hopefully starting today. But if I don’t get my to do list accomplished I hope I can look back at the end of the week and reflect on what is really important
Tag Archives: homeschooling
Saturday Swimming
I woke up around 3am with a really yucky sick feeling – don’t know if it was the hotdog at Bible school or the grilled Oreo’s – thanks Faith for the new trend. Joey the master griller could flip Oreo’s like nobody’s business! Anyway – I was up for a while so Mike let me sleep in this morning and got Emma and Luke off to their last home swim meet. He’s such an awesome husband – he even found Luke’s swim trunks that had been missing since the last meet. I got up when Drew did and he and I headed to the pool so Mike could study for preaching tomorrow. Emma swam an awesome freestyle for the relay team – her coach told her it was the best she had done all season – she was beaming! Luke did a great job on his 50meter freestyle – only the second time he has swam a 50 at a meet – getting faster every time. One more swim next weekend in Elkin for the Conference Meet.
Can’t believe summer is almost at an end. I feel like it has flown by. Not at all ready to start school again but I guess it’s about that time. I better start ordering some material. If you are interested in homeschool sights check these out –rainbow and sonlight and for math and for handwriting. I will blog about homeschooling soon. I might include a few things I shared with my friend Diana – an avid homeschooler about why I don’t intend to homeschool for much longer. My school age kids are entering 3rd and 2nd grade and I have loved having them at home but . . .. I will save all that for later. If you are wanting to read blog posts by a hardcore homeschooler you might want to pick another one to read.