Let me know what you think about the new blog.
Today was the last day of school here in Galax. Emma is out, Luke is finished with homeschooling so SUMMER IS HERE. I am going to make blogging a part of my summer schedule. I have lots to share, so I hope you’ll come back.
I like the new site, but I may be a little biased 🙂
I’m also looking forward to you sharing more frequently on your blog. I know how God has used you, and I know you have plenty of great stories to share. I just want everyone else to know how incredible you really are!
The background looks great! Looking forward to reading your posts over the summer.
Love it!! Now, while you’re updating your blog, why don’t you hop right on over and do mine too!!
Howdy! I just clicked on your link from Mikes Blog. Thank you again for your order and support of our Ministry!
This site looks very Cool! Well done!!!
In His Service and at yours!