Ikea Charlotte opens in exactly one week. Check out this link to register to win $1000 gift card. You have to bring the registration form to the store between Feb. 18th and 22nd. There are also directions on how to send a text to win a big blue bag that you can fill with up to $250 worth of IKEA stuff. Over 1700 parking spaces – I hope I can find just one!
SO EXCITED!!!! I did my entry a couple of weeks ago ( now if I can just find it!) Did you do the texting one? Did that one too… Now, we just have to be one of the 1st 100 to get a chair!!! Wonder what time we’d have to get there for that?!?
What’s up with pastors’ wives and IKEA??? Our pastor’s wife in Florida was CRAZY about IKEA! Here are a few of her posts. I think you’ll have to paste them in your browser. Just cracks me up!