I am excited about our date night tonight. Mike and I are going to Winston. We have to do a little shopping and then dinner somewhere. Thanks to Joe Sangl we have our envelopes to keep us under control. We’ll be eating cheap so we don’t use all the eating out money. We didn’t do a seperate date night envelope – maybe that’s a thought for next month. So since it’s cheap eating we are trying to decide Chipotle or Mellow Mushroom?
Mellow Mushroom!
Congrats on the cash envelopes! I LOVE my cash envelopes!
So Jen…How do the envelopes work?
Do you pay bills and your tithes and then divide it out for the rest of the month/pay period? Like Groceries,gas,etc..?
Have FUN tonight…
OH…I’d go to Mellow Mushroom and then hit starbucks on the way home =)
I will have to get the book to you guys. For us right now we are just using envelopes for eating out and one for “the stuff you buy at Walmart” which includes everything from groceries to paper towels to contact solution to light bulbs etc
It has really helped us see where our money is going
Took the advice – great pizza and of course Starbucks is always a given