Hung out with our small group on Friday night and started the Chase the Lion study by Mark Batterson
Saturday basketball all morning both Emma and Luke scored during their games.
Saturday night trip to Lowes for some tile for the bathroom and then Mexican – my favorite- for dinner.
Sunday – after church Emma and I went to Wytheville to see Hannah Montana – the 3D movie – and we had a great time. I love hanging out with my little girl (who is not so little anymore!) Beware if you are planning to see it that ticket prices are $15 each! Hung out for a little bit at a Superbowl Party with the teenagers then took the kidos home and crashed while Mike stayed and finished watching the game.
Somehow, I didn’t know there was a Hannah Montana movie. I don’t know how I could NOT have known this, other than to say somehow my daughter is also currently unaware. $15 tickets?!?!? I think I’ll keep this little secret to myself!!
Dang, I look fat in that picture