Mashed Potatoes

If you are like me you like to get as much done before Thanksgiving as possible. Mashed potatoes are a Thanksgiving staple – especially in the south when you have to put gravy on everything. These mashed potatoes are really good. I made them at Thanksgiving last year. Here is the basic recipe but if you want details, pictures and some humor go here.
The Pioneer Woman Cooks has some awesome recipes and her pictures and detail are amazing.

5 lb bag of potatoes (I used yukon gold) – peel them and quarter them
bring a pot of water almost to boil and throw them in
cook 30 minutes or longer until potatoes are very done
drain and put them back on the stove over low heat while you mash
turn off heat and add 11/2 to 2 sticks of butter
8oz block of cream cheese
3/4-1 cup of half and half
salt and pepper to taste (Lawry’s seasoned salt is good too)
spread into a buttered baking dish
slice up some more butter about 1/2 stick and put butter pats on top
cover and fridge
remove from fridge to sit for 1 hour before cooking
bake at 350 for 20-30 minutes

OK – I didn’t say these were low fat – it’s Thanksgiving – a time for family, friends and real butter.