I guess it is time to finally post about sending Emma to school since I promised and she started today.
Here are the positive things about sending her to school.
1. She is ready. She tends to get bored at home and needs lots of structure and direction. I know that I could provide that and keep her “unbored” but honestly – that wears me out. She needs the experience of someone besides me organizing her day.
2. I am ready. I didn’t cry or even feel like crying as I took her and dropped her off today. It is a little sad when I go in her quiet room. It’s very different than sending a 5 year old to school and worrying if she will cry, or find the bathroom, or eat her lunch, or feel afraid. I know she is very independent and responsible. We were impressed with the school and her teacher and feel she is in good hands. She’s a tough girl and she can hold her own.
3. There are aspects of school that I can’t reproduce at home. They have smart boards for games, specialty classes, group projects and fun science and math classes. Again, I know that I can be creative and fun at home but with all the other pressure of daily stuff – that just doesn’t happen for us often enough.
4. It’s not set in stone that once she is in school she will stay there. We have said from the first year of homeschooling that we will take it one child at a time and one year and a time. There are so many reasons that I feel like this is a year at school that she needs. Academically there are some things she needs to catch up on and socially she needs to develop some independence. Next year may be different we may go back to homeschooling for a year or two of middle school. We may decide to keep her in the school system. Our decision based on our child. It is a good feeling to know you have a choice about your child’s education.
5. I feel peace about our decision. We spent time seeking God and countless hours talking and praying to make sure this was right for us this year. He loves Emma more than we do and has her best in mind. If the time comes to pull her back out and bring her home – He will tell us.
I am not crazy enough to think the year will be perfect or that she will not encounter things I would rather shield her from. I also know that homeschooling is not perfect. We live in an imperfect world. Having a perfect God to hold us through every situation is our only hope.
Have an awesome school year no matter how you educate your child.