
I could post about 5 pages of stuff that is overflowing from my brain since Unleash. I am only going to share one thing that powerfully spoke to me.

Let me give you a brief peek inside my head before I tell you what I felt God say to me. I always struggle with going to conferences like Unleash. I come home wanting to sell everything and move to Anderson, SC and volunteer to clean bathrooms at NewSring on Sunday mornings just to be a part of what God is doing there. It so evident that God is working and people are meeting Jesus by the 100’s. I have such a desire to be a part of something like that. Another thing you should know before you read on is that I tend to be a runner (not the marathon kind – although I really do want to get ready to try the New River Trail 5K in May) but the kind like Elijah – after defeating the prophets of Baal he decided to hide in a cave at the first sign of trouble from Jezebel. If I feel defeated – I am ready to run, go somewhere else, take my marbles home, you get the idea.

During the last session Perry challenged everyone by sharing that when he was ready to give up it hit him that Jesus never gave up on us. The NewSpring band played Dead or Alive (yes the Bon Jovi one) while scences from the Passion of The Christ played on the screen. It was such a picture of how Jesus never gave up, never ran away and never quit. As I watched those images of Jesus being beaten, betrayed and killed I felt God say to me – If this is what you believe – if you really believe I did this for you – then you can’t quit. No matter how hard the road ahead looks you can’t run. I am learning from experience how hard being a pastor’s wife can be. I am also realizing how hard being a pastor is and it’s not easy seeing the person you love the most struggle. God has stretched us over the last few months and sometimes it hurts. We are so sure that we are doing what God has called us to do and I am not running. Jesus never quit on me -I belive that – so I’m in it for the long haul – dead or alive!

One thought on “Unleash

  1. Just wanted to say thank you
    for inviting us to go to Unleash.
    I pray that the passion and excitment that we all have will
    be contagious enough for our entire church!

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