Thankful Thursday

It has been FOREVER since I have posted on here. It just hasn’t been on the priority list with being sick, traveling and having my niece and nephew here, but what a better way to get started back with so much to be thankful for at Easter . . .

Today I am thankful for . . .

1 JESUS – I hope I never take for granted how much He loves us. While hearing the story of Jesus at Drew’s preschool party this morning and seeing it through little eyes it helped me bring things into focus.

2 SUNSHINE – after a few days of rain – it feels so good.

3 GROCERIES – not just the blessing of having more than plenty that we always take for granted but that the shopping is done. It has been a chore just to find time to go to the store this week.

4 WONDERFUL KIDS – I don’t have any Easter picture to post yet but maybe by Sunday. Luke face planted the carpet and has some nasty scabs on his nose and face – wanted to wait until that goes away to make a picture – boys:)

5 AMAZING HUSBAND – it’s been a little bit of a rough week for us (see link below) but I have an amazing man that is committed to his family and most importantly Jesus. I am a blessed woman to be on this journey with him.

6 THIS POST – by Holly Furtick that helped me get a little bit of perspective. If you are a pastors wife and you HAVE to read it. If you are not – you still should read it! After clicking on the link scroll down to the post called “Putting up your Dukes”

7 MY CHURCH – I am really looking forward to celebrating Jesus with all of my church family this weekend.

8 GOD WORKING – It is amazing how I am seeing God work in so many ways and bringing so many things together for Praisin in the Park and for Cornerstone. I am reminded that He wants people to come to Him even more than we do.

9 FAMILY – our kids are so blessed to have all of their grandparents close – they have so much fun with them. It was also awesome to have my niece and nephew with us for a few days forming memories with their cousins.